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Artificial Intelligence (AI) | AI Software

Digital Processing Systems build customizable platforms powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help businesses achieve operational brilliance, drive innovation and solve complex challenges. See how we leverage AI capabilities to enhance your business experiences.

Reach Peak Business Efficiency With Robust Artificial Intelligence (AI) Solutions

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the robotic brainpower demonstrated by machines. These machines are programmed and designed to think like humans and emulate their actions through human-oriented intelligence parameters such as visual perception, advanced decision-making, speech recognition, language interpretation and more. The best thing about AI is its ability to rationalize and take prompt actions on its own without involving any direct human interaction.

Digital Processing Systems help customers harness AI innovations to exploit growth opportunities, enhance business efficiency and sustainability while speeding up digital transformation efforts. We create intelligent enterprises using AI capabilities, drive innovation, accelerate automation, streamline operations and make smarter everyday business decisions secure. We convert your AI vision into a reality, regardless of the complexity involved. We do this by bringing AI capabilities into focus and applying intelligence and experience in Machine learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), Computer Vision, Data Analytics, Natural Language Processing (NLP) and other AI-focused technologies.

AI-Centered Business Intelligence That
Drives Value And ROI For Your Business

What Constitutes This Service

Innovative AI Capabilities For Robust Digital Transformation

ML/AI technologies are penetrating every business’s core, from integrating Chatbots to deploying AI-driven platforms and beyond. Organizations today are unleashing the power of AI and inventing and reinventing advanced capabilities to stay ahead of industry-centered changes, anticipate customer-centered preferences and predict the future faster than competitors. Our technically advanced capabilities are easy to execute, support and demonstrate excellent outcomes. If you are looking forward to cutting-edge support, you cannot simply go wrong with us.

With extensive AI capabilities and lasting experience in innovative digital technologies, we help organizations become leaders in the industry by building and deploying cutting-edge AI solutions into their mainstream organizational structure. We also help organizations automate, optimize their value chain, gain insights from Big Data and transform their business economies with AI-based algorithms like Deep Or Machine Learning.

Taking the current hype into account, artificial intelligence technologies have been around in one or more forms. Digital Processing Systems possess skills and proficiency in dealing with first and second generation AI technologies, regardless of all complexities. We provide smart AI solutions across all artificial intelligence domains to help facilitate complex corporate functionalities, enhance performance-oriented efficiencies, business-specific agility, operational risk minimization and cost optimization. We come along with a strategic approach, advisory facilities, implementation and support for both AI and ML solutions. Our AI capabilities are highly accurate, superior quality and innovative enabling organizations to develop cost-effective, scalable solutions to stay one step ahead of the competition.

Strategic And Smart Solutions For Upcoming Digital Revolution!

Next-Generation AI-Powered Solutions And Accelerators For Next-Level Business Innovation And Efficiency

Digital Processing Systems AI Services Include

Digital Processing Systems keeps a close eye on all aspects of IT and networks and provides comprehensive NOC solutions across all system and application elements. Whether you are looking towards new technology adoption or entering new markets or struggling to achieve optimum performance, or looking to hire non-stop network support, reduce escalating IT costs and minimize IT network gaps, we have got you covered. Moreover, if you want to achieve business higher agility, growth, efficiency, productivity, profitability and moving towards new applications, systems, networks, IT infrastructures, we have still got you!

Cognitive Centre Of Excellence

Assist organizations in building the Cognitive Centre of Excellence, focusing on leading practices and supporting comprehensive AI solutions.

Robotic Process Automation

We have expertise in creating and programming robots and drones to help you with maps & models, capture images and evaluate information across dynamic industries.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Visual text analytics facility helps in driving value from unstructured data while combining the ultimate power of Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP).

Machine Learning

Evaluate massive volumes of information and incredibly unlock the real potential to enhance functional efficiencies and minimize any operational risks.

Computer Vision

Our unconventional services offer you multiple features such as customer tracking, face recognition, optical character recognition (OCR) and content-based image retrieval (CBIR).

Business Intelligence

Our ultimate objective is achieving business excellence and cost optimization. Our AI experts and engineers create and implement strategies to perform forecasting, make comprehensive customer and performance analysis.


We develop all types of chatbots for all businesses and industries, be it Support Chatbots, Assistant Bots, Transactional Bots, Conversational Bots and more. We help companies create personalized customer interaction to increase business value, ROI, customer retention and loyalty.

Voice Assistants

We possess extensive expertise in voice-enabled services and solutions. Our AI developers and professionals also build Voice Assistants using AI-centered capabilities such as voice recognition and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to boost productivity and enhance brand awareness through Voice Search.

AI-Powered Solutions For Next-Gen
Business Acceleration

AI Development Stack

DL Framework






Nvidia Caffe

Modules / Toolkits

Core ML

Kurento’s Computer Vision Model

Microsoft Cognitive toolkit



Open NN






Few-shot Learning

Clustering(Density-Based Hierarchical, Partitioning)

Metric Learning

Supervised / unsupervised Learning

Neutral Networks



Minifold Learning

Bayesian Networks

Varitional Autoencoders

Representation Learning

Autoregressive Networks

Reinvent Decision-Making, Make Better
Informed Decisions Faster

Industry-leading AI Tools and Frameworks

Google's AutoML








Scikit Learn

DPS Artificial Intelligence Development Process

Identification & Evaluation

Your AI project is more likely to succeed if you know what purpose it intends to serve. We choose a problem of scale and make a comprehensive 360-degree evaluation across all your requirements to see whether you require an AI solution. We identify and evaluate the project scope, cross-examine its limitations and prepare a perfect roadmap based on your requirements.

Exploration & Initiation

We explore AI technology and development stack specific to your requirements to kick-start your project. We also collect and analyze all the required data from web sources, as well as from you. Once we have the required data, we process it to identify and explore correlations, patterns and natural sync specific to your requirements.

Pilot Project

The pilot project generates initial outcomes that can help highlight the project’s potential functionality and identify gaps between the current and newly designed competencies and experiences. A Pilot project gives you the space to keep experimenting with data and reiterate until it gives us the desired results. Our Pilot project AI capabilities future-proofs your project’s goals at par and beyond.

Development And Deployment

We put your AI project into the development pipeline as soon as we know it can address your business problem as determined in the pilot project. Once developed, we integrate your project model with your app and thoroughly test it across all verticals to ensure it delivers accurate results and desired benchmarks.

Accelerate Business Outcomes,
And Exploit Growth Potentials With AI

Taxonomy Of AI And Its Subfields

Artificial Intelligence

Machines using human intelligence demonstrate robotic human-like brainpower to Think Humanly, Think Rationally and Act Humanly, Act Rationally. AI involves a comprehensive suite of technologies, including but not limited to—Machine learning (ML).

Machines learning

A subfield of AI enables machines to evaluate massive volumes of information and improve functional efficiencies and tasks-oriented experience. ML involves a full suite of technologies, including but not limited to—Deep Learning (DL).

Deep Learning

A subfield of ML centered on neutral networks that allow machines to empower themselves to execute a particular task.